Deji vs Fousey
Tale Of The Tape
Fight Information
Deji vs Fousey Fight Report
Who won Deji vs Fousey?
Deji beat Fousey by knockout in the 3rd round. The fight took place at The O2 Arena, London on Saturday, 27th August 2022.
The fight was scheduled for 4 rounds in the Light Heavyweight division and was a part of the Misfits Boxing X Series 001 event.
Deji vs Fousey fighters form?
Deji's full boxing record going into this fight is 0 wins, 3 losses, and 0 draws. Deji has 0 wins out of his last 3 fights going into this fight.
Going into this contest, Deji lost to Alex Wassabi on the 5th March, 2022 at The SSE Arena, Wembley, London, in the 5th round by unanimous decision.
Prior to that, Deji had lost against Vinnie Hacker. The fight was a part of the Social Gloves: YouTubers vs TikTokers event that happened on the 12th June, 2021 at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. The fight ended in the 3rd round by technical knockout.
Before that, Deji had lost against Jake Paul in the 5th round by technical knockout on the 25th August, 2018 at Manchester Arena, Manchester.
Fousey's full boxing record going into this fight is 0 wins, 1 losses, and 0 draws. Before this fight, Fousey had won 0 of his previous fights.
Going into this contest, Fousey had lost to Slim on the 29th September 2019 at York Hall, London, in the 4th round by technical knockout.
Deji vs Fousey Stats
Deji entered the fight with a record of 0 wins, 3 losses, and 0 draws.
Fousey entered the fight with a record of 0 wins, 1 losses, and 0 draws.
Deji fought out of an Southpaw stance.
Fousey fought out of an Orthodox stance.
When & where was Deji vs Fousey?
Deji vs Fousey was at The O2 Arena, London on Saturday, 27th August 2022.
Fights On The Same Card
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1 - 0 - 0
0 - 1 - 0

2 - 0 - 0
0 - 1 - 0

1 - 1 - 0
1 - 1 - 0
Deji Vs Fousey Full Fight Video
1st8 - 1 - 0
2nd7 - 0 - 0
3rd6 - 1 - 1
4th6 - 1 - 0
5th4 - 0 - 0
6th4 - 3 - 0