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Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions


Tale Of The Tape

19 Years Old
22 Years Old
127lbs / 57.59kg
128lbs / 58.05kg
170cm / 5' 6"
175cm / 5' 8"

Fight Information

Judges Score Cards

Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions Preview

When is Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions?

Walid Sharks could potentially be entering the ring against N&A Productions. No date is yet confirmed for this fight.

Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions fighters form?

Walid Sharks's full boxing record going into this fight is 2 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draws. Walid Sharks has 2 wins out of his last 5 fights going into this fight.

Going into this contest, Walid Sharks lost to Deen the Great on the 14th October, 2023 at AO Arena, Manchester, in the 5th round by unanimous decision.

Prior to that, Walid Sharks had won against Ayye Pap. The fight was a part of the Misfits Boxing X Series 006 event that happened on the 21st April, 2023 at XULA Convocation Centre, New Orleans. The fight ended in the 2nd round by knockout.

Before that, Walid Sharks had won against Darius Frazier in the 1st round by knockout on the 18th March, 2023 at Hype Athletics, Michigan.

N&A Productions's full boxing record going into this fight is 1 wins, 1 losses, and 0 draws. Before this fight, N&A Productions had won 1 of his previous fights.

Going into this contest, N&A Productions had beat Adnan Bin Sultan on the 15th October 2021 at Coca Cola Area, Dubai, in the 3rd round by unanimous decision.

Prior to that, N&A Productions had lost against Slim. The fight was a part of the Social Knockout event that happened on the 30th July 2021 at Coca Cola Area, Dubai. The fight ended in the 1st round by technical knockout.

Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions Stats

Walid Sharks entered the fight with a better-looking record than his opponent of 2 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draws.

N&A Productions entered the fight with a record of 1 wins, 1 losses, and 0 draws.

Both Walid Sharks and N&A Productions fought out of an Orthodox stance.

Fights On The Same Card

We currently don't have any other fights listed that are on the same fight card as Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions right now.

Walid Sharks Vs N&A Productions Full Fight Video

We currently don't have any fight footage of Walid Sharks vs N&A Productions right now.

Best Records

  1. 1st
    8 - 1 - 0
  2. 2nd
    7 - 0 - 0
  3. 3rd
    6 - 1 - 1
  4. 4th
    6 - 1 - 0
  5. 5th
    4 - 0 - 0
  6. 6th
    4 - 3 - 0